Sunday 4 January 2009

New Website up and Running (Saturday)

Well today, I woke up at about 1pm and had some pancakes for breakfast and watched some TV then went upstairs to read an email I received from Calvin444c (Justin.TV). He has set up a website at which links to my Justin TV page. I was really bored after that but then discovered that Jamie (Jpeterson) was somehow broadcasting on my channel. He told me he had downloaded the FME file for my channel which means he could stream to my channel any time he wanted. At first I thought this was a bad idea but then I actually thought it was a good one because since I am not casting right now Jamie could do it for me. Anyway after that I went to Dad's house and just watched Jamie broadcast and spoke with Ceejay_qb about setting up my new website ( At about 9PM I left Dad's and went back to Mom's house but she was out until 11PM so I just set up my website and watched TV and just hung out. Getting the damn FTP to work was fustrating but we got there in the end. I also used a program called Namu6 to set up the website. It is a really kewl program and really easy to use and you can create your website without having to use HTML and then you can publish it using your FTP settings. Anyway it is now 3:20am so I am going to crash. If you need me for anything please let me know.