Thursday 30 June 2011 is now on Facebook

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Thursday 23 June 2011

Update - Gig/College/Weather

Hi everyone,

sorry for not updating but I keep forgetting. Either that or I can't be bothered. Just thought I'd let you all know I have now finished college and successfully completed my first year. I will be returning in September to start a media course and I am really looking forward to it. Also on Saturday 11th June 2011 I met up with Ceejay again, and also Craig, Jayde, Darryl, Mark, David Young so it was a good night. Photos are attached below. Recently I have put up my photo gallery as it was accidentally deleted by CEEJAY when we upgraded the site to Joomla, but it is back up now and hopefully I will upload some of my college work to that when I start my new course. Weather has been raining a lot but not really cold, it's suppose to be sunny and hot on Monday with temperatures reaching 30c (86f) in Southern England and 26c (78f) in Northern England. So I will look forward to that. Anyway here's the photos. The first one is of Ceejay (left) and me (right) and the second is Craig (left), Jayde (middle) and me (right).