Saturday 12 June 2010


This is an emergency blog post which I am writing just before kick off of the England - USA match on Saturday 12th June 2010 at 18:30. I am going to ask everyone who reads this blog to pray to our Lord that England will beat the USA on tonights match. This is nothing against America or it's residents and I apologise to anyone who is offended but I live in England, it is my country and I do support it in football. Me and Dave will be watching this match live on my 32" LCD screen in my bedroom, as you can see by the photos below I already have decorated my room with a few England flags, the second one is in my bedroom window for the duration of the match and there is one visible at the front of the house outside Dave and Dawn's bedroom window. Actually, a few people have England flags outside the window on their houses, well good to know that those people will be supporting us in tonights match. I will say, to anybody from the USA reading this blog that England WILL kick your asses in tonight's match. I ask everybody to now pray for America's defeat. I am going to do that after I've written this. COME ON ENGLAND! YOU HAVE MY SUPPORT! The trophy is ours! So, in conclusion here is the results of previous matches so far:

Mexico 1 - 1 South Africa
Uruguay 0 - 0 France
South Korea 2 - 0 Greece
Argentina 1 - 0 Nigeria
England 5 - 1 USA

Lastly, here are the photos:

COME ON ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Us Yanks ended up putting a can of whoop-ass on you Brits just like we did in Yorktown!

    Go Team United States of AMERICA!!!!!

  2. Another win against Algeria and you Brits will be eliminated from the Round of 16.

    Go Team United States of AMERICA!
