Wednesday 23 June 2010

Plane Crash Dream

Hi Guys, I would like to share something on this blog regarding a dream I had this morning:

In my dream which I had just a few hours ago the weather was really bad, dark, clouds and wet. Anyway I was at my mum’s house and I remember I was talking to a friend on MSN but I can’t remember what we were saying, I was in my room. I went downstairs and opened the door, a few seconds later it started to pour down with rain. When I say pour down I mean pour down. I just stood there watching it. A van went past that said “OMG OMG”, some girls who I recognise from my school walked past and looked at me. I then looked at the newsagents shop (I live next to a newsagents, but most of you would already know that) and saw a road sign that hadn’t been there before on the right. It was directing towards the Billingham town centre, I think it was anyway. Next thing I look up and there is an airplane flying really really low. It was a passenger jet, I could see the airline “EasyJet” but the aircraft was white and the letters were in blue. EasyJet have an orange theme in real life. Anyway, it’s still raining and the plane swerves violently towards my house but keep swerving and crashes into some houses in the street in front of my house. I shout “OH SHIT” as there is a massive explosion and slam the door shut, I quickly run into the living room and pick up the phone, I try to dial 999 to report it but couldn’t get the numbers right. I eventually manage to dial it. A few seconds later a woman answers but I can’t make out what she says, then nobody spoke after that. A few seconds later I woke up.

So that's my dream, I have spent the entire morning looking it up (it's 11:57 AM now!). It seems to be that this could be related to something stressful or something over which I have no control over. Although at the moment I have nothing stressful in my life. It could also mean that I have set goals that are too high, again, not me. So I can't possibly think why I had this dream. I have been reading on a blog where people have been posting their similar dreams, and they all seem to be having the exact same dream in which a plane crashes a few hundred feet from themselves or their house. A few people say they tried to dial emergency but couldn't get any help, same as I couldn't. One thing, a friend of mine (Ceejay) thinks the bad weather could represent something very negative and I should watch myself in the next few weeks. I am going to Bulgaria in 2 weeks, flying from Newcastle airport with a Bulgarian airline. Then in July I am going to France, also from Newcastle airport, guess which airline I am flying with? You guessed it! EasyJet! I am just hoping that this dream has nothing to do with my holidays.

Can you guys please let me know what you think about this in the comments, I will be checking them a bit later. I really want to know what you guys think about this, I may not update the blog for a couple of days because I want this to stay at the top for now and I really want to know what others think.

1 comment:

  1. I think the imagined fear is about going to a new place you've not been(to my knowledge don't speak the language too)and not the plane trip itself. Many experiences of premonitions come a series of events (dreams, coincidences, feelings), not just a once off dream, unless one transforms into a "seer" such as Nostradamus.
