Monday 23 August 2010

Upcoming Events

Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in a while but I'd just like to inform you all of some upcoming future events:

Painting the Fence - I will be doing this sometime this week, I will be painting the fence in the back garden, I am thinking I may even put the webcam on Justin.TV and broadcast it. I will give you updates before I do it so you can tune in.

Going to Dartford - I am going to Dartford on the 28th August because Ebbsfleet are playing away so it will be a great DXing opportunity!

Getting teeth removed - I have to have braces and so I need 4 teeth removing :( I know it won't hurt but I worry alot. I'll let you know how it goes.

Te Amo

1 comment:

  1. Which would be more popular:

    1. Video of Jack painting the fence
    2. Video of Dentist removing 4 of Jack's teeth

    The polls are open, VOTE NOW!
