Tuesday 7 September 2010

Very Late Update, Sorry :(

Hi Guys,

Sorry for not updating in a very long time, firstly I'll start this blog post by mentioning my recent trip to the dentist which was on the 31st August. Okay it wasn't bad at all, the injection in my mouth did hurt a little bit, well it didn't really hurt, just stung a little bit for 2 seconds so it was nothing really. The worst bit was hearing the teeth crack when the dentist was removing them. Also my mouth felt like it had swelled up for a few hours but it was nothing really. I am going back this Friday on the morning to have 2 more removed. I thought I was going to get the 4 out at the same time but as it turns out I didn't need that so I requested to just have 2 removed. Well my teeth are all crooked so I guess it will be good once my brace is on which should be before Christmas. Another thing I mentioned was I was going to be painting the fence in the back garden, well I haven't got onto that yet so I guess I'll have to try and have that done sometime in September, hopefully by the end of the month. Today I walked to my Dad's house at about 1:15 PM and got there just before 2 PM. I went on Skype with Ceejay (Chris) from 2 PM until 9 PM and we talked about everything, that guy is awesome and we are going to Skype again on Thursday. Also Ceejay/Chris has posted a link to my website on the BHBFC (Brierley Hill Bullets Football Club) which he does the website for. So hopefully he will increase my visitorship. At the same time I have installed a code tonight on the website which will now allow me to see all the visitors to the site, where they are from, their IP address and their ISP. I have also noticed I have had 24 visitors from London, 23 visitors from the United Kingdom and 11 visitors from Billingham, so even locally I am popular. This data came from the guest map on the front page. One last thing, my website may be getting translated into Spanish, so hopefully that will also increase my visitorship. Well that's my update for the start of September. Please leave comments.

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