Monday 13 September 2010

First Day At Middlesbrough College

As most of you know today was my first day at Middlesbrough college. I was having trouble getting to sleep the previous night but I eventually got there after 12am. I had to be up at 7am this morning but I woke up at about 6:50am. I had my breakfast, got dressed and listened to some music. My Dad's girlfriend Dawn came for me at 8:15am. I got there for 8:30am. When I first arrived I was nervous but was directed over to the computing group. Around 9am we all went upstairs to the IT department. We haven't begun any work this week and probably won't until next week, everything that happened today was just to get ready. I have a timetable but it's only for this week. I was in all day today, same tomorrow, half day Wednesday (12pm finish), then I'm off Thursday and Friday. Tomorrow I am going bowling from 9am-12pm. That should be fun. I also met a nice kid who is into web design and hosts other people's websites on his own server. At one point he asked me if I knew any languages, I replied "yeah I know a little bit of French" and he said "no I meant computer languages". Hahahaha. Seriously, that did happen. Been a great day anyway. I've also noticed there's been alot of traffic on the website lately, including one from Iran! Anyway if you do read the blog, please click 'Follow'. Thanks.

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