Sunday 26 September 2010

Saturday - Fence Painting Day

Well I must say I was quite surprised that I ended up painting the fence today. I went to Dave's house at about 4 PM or so and started work on the fence a few minutes after I got there. Well I got about an hour's worth of work done before it started raining :( I had to stop. It rained for about 30 seconds then stopped. Okay I had a lot to do and I didn't expect to finish the job on the same night, but still, I could have gotten more done. I think I must have finished at about 6PM or there abouts. Anyway here is a link to the highlight. It lasts 58 minutes so thats how I know how much work I got done. Okay so I did about 5% of the fence in 1 hour. I made progress :-)

But seriously I'm going to try again Sunday morning (tomorrow) and hopefully get some more work done. I am just hoping the weather is nice. On a better note my website has been really popular lately, especially in my local area (see screenshot).

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