Saturday 2 October 2010

Happy 1st.... Uh 2nd of October!

Fellow blog followers and Jack Bromby fans, HAPPY 1ST OF OCTOBER! Although I'm updating on the second of October I apologise for that. I forgot to update yesterday and I haven't updated in nearly a week because Dave has been in France since Tuesday. Anyway, college has been going great so far. Yesterday I got my first experience of computer programming. On Friday's, 2nd period I have Software Design, usually it's quite hard to follow but actually doing the coding is quite easy. We are working with VisualBasic which seems to be easy. I was also let out of college a few minutes early because I was the first to finish. I got let out at 5:05 PM rather than the usual 5:15 PM. Next, the weather, last night was warm strangely enough. Strange for October, it seemed to be warmer at night rather than the day which I find happens in winter sometimes. Anyway, time to get on with Saturday, it's going to suck spending Saturday at mum's house, at least I get to live with my dad for a week when he comes back from France because then my mum goes to Egypt with her friends for a week. She is going to Sharm El Sheik.

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