Wednesday 20 October 2010

Website Updates are being done!

I am just taking a quick break in working on my website to say that the updates will be coming to the site very very soon. I won't release too much just yet. I am hoping to have them done by Sunday but I am not sure if I will, web design is very time consuming, believe me. And it's guarenteed that if I am doing the updates SOMETHING will go wrong no matter how small. Anyway if you want to check on the progress of the updates then check back here as I will try to update about them. I begun the updates at about 7:30 PM and it's now 8:30 PM! All I have done so far is worked on the navigation bar but I will get more done, hopefully Friday. I don't think I am staying at Dad's on Saturday because he is working but I will on Sunday. So I hope everything will be done by Sunday. Check out some screenshots from my iPhone :)


  1. Hi Jack, I'm probably the Redondo Beach
    follower. Your blogs are always

  2. That's terrible that your mum had a painful tooth. And you were so nice not to eat any pick-n-mix, or ice cream or anything else that could cause tooth pain in front of her.

    - TmC
