Saturday 23 October 2010

Saturday Night

First off I'd like to thank Javier and TMC for their lovely comments on the previous post. It has been nearly a week since my Mum had her wisdom tooth removed and she is still unable to eat hard foods, she has been eating soft foods recently, today she had a bowl of cereal, ice cream and a packet of chips that melt in your mouth so you don't have to chew them. It must suck to only have cereal while I am sat their having waffles and bacon for breakfast! I will keep you all informed of any progress on that.

I did mention in the previous post that it is half-term next week so all the schools/colleges in the UK are now off. That gives me time to work on all THREE assignments which I received as well as my website. I have done a little bit of work on my Software Design assignment but it was very difficult. It is all about programming paradigms of such etc etc. I won't go into detail. Anyway I started a little bit of work on my Installing Computer Software assignment which is a little bit easier. The first part of this assignment covers software licensing. Why is everything to do with a computer so difficult? :( it sucks. Okay the software licensing isn't too painful but programming paradigms, WTF?

I have had a letter from my orthadontist this morning, I will be getting my braces installed very soon. Okay I know it's a painless procedure but I don't want to go into it right now. Anyway I can't think of much more to write, weather has been raining today and a bit cold, still according to we have only had 7 rain days in October, so it's not too bad. Could be worse. I hope we don't have a cold winter. Snow is quite rare in England and even more rare in my area of the North East so I probably don't need to worry much. Just that the snow was quite heavy last year, even though it was only for a couple of days. In 2007 and 2006 we didn't get any snow at all. Highest recorded temperature in Billingham was 32.2 C which is 89 F. Very hot.

Oh, a new show started here last night (Friday) on Channel 4 called "The Event". I enjoyed watching that, it is on every Friday night here now. I will be watching it.


  1. Ok, now for something (almost) completely different: random website...

    guess which two words I might be thinking about?

  2. raincoat is one of those words lol
