Thursday 7 October 2010

Got on the wrong bus :(

Okay, now this is what happened to me today. I woke up, had a shower and got dressed, went online for a bit and left to go to the bus stop to go to college at 8 AM as the bus was coming at 8:10 AM. The bus came and I got on, however I didn't realise I had got on the wrong bus, I had got the 52 instead of the 34 so I didn't end up in Middlesbrough, I ended up in Stockton! Well actually I panicked before it got to Stockton and I actually got off the bus at Norton village, just outside where my mum works. I panicked, and rung Dave and he said to get the bus back to Billingham and then get another one to Middlesbrough. Since I was in Norton I had to walk up the village and into Stockton town centre on the high street. I wandered up the town centre then went to Greggs, bought a Coke and then caught the bus back to Billingham which was late!!!! When I got to Billingham I discovered didn't have enough for the bus to Middlesbrough so I went into Billingham town centre, bought another Coke and went back to the bus stops where I waited for the bus. The 34 eventually came and I got to Middlesbrough. I arrived at the college for 10:45 AM and everything was fine. Still, it was my own stupid fault for not reading the bus number in the first place. However, this happened after I lost my bus pass and so approximately £6.60 (approx $10) out of a £10 (approx $15) note has gone down the drain this morning. God really does hate me, still at least we had some nice warm weather today, it got to 19 C (66 F) today in Billingham.

1 comment:

  1. Cheer up, Jack.. luck is kind of like flipping a coin sometimes.. you can get a rut of success & failures but they tend to even out over time.

    Was wondering what songs have the word bus in them.. well, here's one to start with:
