Wednesday 26 January 2011

Weekend trip to Dover

Hello everyone,

I just thought I would inform you of my trip this weekend, I am going down to Dover, a small town on the south coast of England. From Billingham this would be a 5 and a half hour drive however we are leaving on Friday night. I finish college at 5:15 PM, after that my dad will pick me up in the car, drive back to Billingham so I can get my stuff for the weekend, then we will be leaving straight away. We are leaving on the Friday evening and heading down to Girton, a village near Cambridge to stay over on Friday night. Via the A1 this will be 197 miles, at least 3 hours and 28 minutes on the road plus traffic. Then on the Saturday morning we are leaving Cambridge and heading to Dover which is 122 miles (2 hours 11 minutes on the road). Then we are driving back to Billingham on the Sunday, which by the way will be my website's 700-day anniversairy. So I am looking forward to the weekend, I have included screenshots to suggest the route and how long it will be.

It is also worth noting that I have updated the website, links to my Facebook, Twitter and YouTube profiles are now under my Twitter box on the front page.

Sunday 23 January 2011

New 90cm Satellite Dish to watch foreign TV channels!

Hi everyone!

I have some exciting news, I recently purchased a 90cm satellite dish and a receiver so I can watch foreign TV channels across Europe, Asia and Africa. Well I got it set up last night and working, originally I did not know where I was pointing and only received one channel - 'SOS Kanal' from Serbia. Last night I moved the dish some more and received Italy and Poland from Hotbird 9 at 13.0 East, I can only receive the free channels but it's still fun. I have received the main channels e.g. Rai 1, Rai 2, Rai 3, Retequattro, Canale 5, Italia 1 (Italy) and some Polish stuff, some music channels, news channels etc. I can also receive Rai Sport 1 and Rai Sport 2 (Italy). Right now I am tuned to RTL 102.5 TV which is an Italian radio station and TV channel. Pics of my dish and the stuff I can receive are at the bottom of the post. Oh and one more note, my email address has changed, it's no longer it is now so if you have any enquires please email there or use the contact form on my website.

Monday 3 January 2011

Website - 2 years old/Windows Vista laptop damaged

As most of you know my Windows 7 laptop screen broke and is now in the shop for repair. My only other option was to use my Windows Vista. Well, that option is now out the window. I was walking down the stairs with my laptop this morning and as I did so the laptop fell right out of hands, down the stairs and landed on the floor. I was hoping nothing would be damaged but I was wrong. I turned the laptop on and although it started up successfully the screen had been damaged, I don't mean it had smashed, I mean it would come up with white and black colours and it would be all screwed up. I couldn't see anything. I tried plugging this into my TV but it was set by default to extend onto both displays so that was no good. Eventually, I find that the laptop begins emitting light smoke somewhere out of the back so I quickly turn it off before an issue that requires the use of a fire extinguisher arrises. Unfortunately I have no laptop now until my Windows 7 is repaired, even that could take a while. My Windows Vista had all my music, movies, Skyrock recordings etc. on the hard drive. Right now I have to use my dad's laptop to update the blog.

On a lighter note however, my website ( has now been on the web for 2 years! Since January 3rd 2009. I really didn't expect it to still be up this long but it is. I am happy anyway, plus it has just been renewed by Ceejay (Chris McNally) until the end of 2012, although it won't actually go offline until January 2013 even then I will be renewing it then for another 2 years too. However there has been some problems with the server today and I have found sometimes it won't load properly or redirects to This is a problem with GoFreeserve who host my website and is out of my control. It usually fixes itself so the site may experience some downtime but it will eventually fix itself and be back up 100%.

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