Saturday 5 February 2011

New YouTube Account - "CanalJackB"


Just thought I'd inform you all I have a new YouTube account, the reason being my old one got deleted for a pathetic reason. My old account got deleted due to a 2 minute clip of The Simpsons on my 32" HD TV. 20th Century Fox complained about it and my account got deleted, stupid? I know, but f**k them. My new account is "CanalJackB" so check that out and follow it if you like. The reason it is called CanalJackB is because Canal is French for Channel so I thought I would give my new YT account some French flavour.

On a more positive note many of you may remember Ceejay from Justin tv. Well on the 26th of this month me, Dave and Dawn are driving down to Stourbridge near Birmingham to meet him at a gig that he has organized at a local music venue called "Base Studios". I am looking forward to this meeting as not only will I get to meet Ceejay, but also Craig, David and possibly Darryl. If you don't know who David is I will explain, he is a local singer and songwriter and is only 14 years old, check out his website at for more information about him and to listen to his songs.

Thanks for reading and keep following :-)

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