Friday 7 August 2009

Back From Holiday - CRAP FLIGHT

Well, I am finally back from Kos, Greece. I had a great time, I met some nice people from Scotland. While I was on holiday I found a ring in the swimming pool, and it turns out it belonged to a Scottish man who we knew, I handed the ring to Dimitri (He works at the Airport and helps out at the Hotel) and the Scottish man, Alan was ecstatic when he found out I had found it! In fact he gave me 20 Euros which I will convert to Pounds (£) and purchase the new Lady Gaga CD (Lady G, if your reading this - I love you and your music!). Now where was I? Oh yes so thats how I earned 20 Euros. Next, the flight back home, okay well, Friday Morning 3:10 AM Greek Time the coach comes to take us to the airport while Dimitri helps me and my mum with the bags, we then arrive at the airport at about 3:40 AM. We check in, go through security, go to the Duty Free and then wait for out flight, however, there was heavy fog (which lasted for a while). When we got told the flight was going to be delayed the fog immediatly cleared up! The flight which was suppose to take off at 5:50 AM was now delayed until 7:30 AM. So I wander around the airport for a while, and at about 6:00 AM I see Dimitri (he works at the airport too, remember) and he is quite surprised to see me considering my flight was suppose to have left, so I explain to him what had happened, and he says it is "unbelievable" (which is true). Next, there is some idiot who is trying to scare everyone by saying the flight is delayed because of technical problems with the aircraft - apparently the landing geer (wheels) weren't going down properly. However that is a load of bullshit, the plane did not have any problems, it simply diverted to Rhodes, Greece to refuel then return to Kos. (Oh and by the way at this point it is starting to get light and the sun is coming up), at which point 2 power cuts happen inside the airport. Didn't last very long though. Finally at 7:30 AM the flight took off and I am now home, it is now 12:15 PM and I have had no sleep in over 26 hours. I may get some later. Blog Later, bye guys!


  1. Jack why did the ring found belong to a person you knew. The world has 4+ Billion people. Just want clearification. Javier

  2. I did not know him, I met him on holiday
