Monday 11 January 2010


Well the snow is almost gone over here, but it was warm today, temperatures at 2 Celcius (35 F). There isn't really any snow around, just black ice and sludge. Hopefully it will completely go. Before I get started I'd like to thank James who is advertising the website across Blog TV. James, if there is any way at all I can repay you, just say so. Today I woke up and my Mum left for work early, so I got dressed and watched TV. I watched Heartbeat on ITV 3 which is a show set in a Yorkshire village in the 60s. I switched over to the BBC News and it was snowing in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire. It was really coming down, I then checked the weather and it was 0 C (32 F) and snowing. This worried me as Huddersfield isn't exactly a million miles from here! It is opposite Halifax and about 30 miles past Leeds & Bradford. Anyway I went to school and when I came home I watched Jeremey Kyle on ITV 2 (+1). He is a guy who sorts out family issues, it is filmed in Manchester. I also ate some chips and some chocolate. I was full by the time Dave came home from work. At least I managed to force down tea, I had pork chops and Yorkshire puddings. After that I listened to Skyrock and talked to people on MSN. Then I went to the running club, but discovered it was closed. So we came home and I listened to Skyrock some more and then at 7:00 PM I went in the shower. I enjoyed it. Then I put my pjamas on and listened to some music, at 8:00 PM I put 1Radio on because my friend is doing a music show on there, I am listening to him now as I write this and he is brilliant. I am thinking of doing a few slots on there, well maybe in the near future. It is currently 8:30 PM and he finishes at 9 PM, then Flashforward is on Five from 9-10 PM then I will go to bed. The webcam is currently up and viewing the Nuclear Power Plant in Hartlepool. Enjoy.

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