Tuesday 23 March 2010

Website Update - Coming Soon

Today I woke up at 4:30 AM, got a drink and went back to sleep and woke at 6:30 AM. I layed in bed till 7:00 AM, then got up and watched The Simpsons. I had breakfast during the first commercial break, got dressed for school during the second commercial break and then just watched the rest of The Simpsons. I went to school but left early at 10:30 AM because someone came round the house to talk to me. They were just asking me questions about home life, school life etc. It went well and I got back to school at about 12:10 PM. During lunch time I finished off my Vietnam assignment for History. I stayed back after school for the after-school revision classes. Today was Geography and the topic was coasts. I hate living on an island :( .... After the revision classes I went to The Main Project (social club) over in Ingleby Barwick. I returned home at 7:00 PM and finished off my new website. I have now emailed that to my friend for final preperation and it should be up and running any time soon. Anyway keep checking the site for the update.

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