Thursday 18 February 2010

Thursday's Update

Okay well I woke up and put Sky News on for a bit, had my breakfast and watched some YouTube videos. I can't remember what time it was but me, Dave, Dawn, Libby (Dawn's niece) and Dawn's mum all went out to Hartlepool. We went to Wilkinsons to get some home supplies, then had our lunch, then went to Focus to get paint. When we came back I watched more videos and Dave painted the kitchen and it is now finished. Here are some pictures at the end of this post. Also while we were out we purchased a shoe cupboard for the porch. Theres a picture of that too. Thats all for now. Its 9:21 PM and Dave is currently listening to a conference about Ebbsfleet on BBC Radio Kent. They might be going bust, now that would be a shame. Hopefully it will finish after 10 PM so I can listen to Alan Robson's Night Owls in the car on the way home. Tomorrow I am going out to Alnwick in Northumberland, I am going to be visiting the castle. Parts of the Harry Potter movies were filmed in Alnwick Castle so you can expect pictures here after my visit. I am also going up to Gateshead on Saturday because Ebbsfleet are playing. I thought they were going bust. Oh well, whatever. Heres are the pictures, as I previously indicated. For larger versions, click on the image.

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