Tuesday 9 February 2010


Sorry for not updating. On Saturday I went to Chester to see the football. It was great, my Dad is a supporter of Ebbsfleet (based in Northern Kent). And they won against Chester 2-1. I actually have a video of them scoring the 2nd goal! That is going on YouTube later. Anyway it was a good day out. I finish school tomorrow as Thursday and Friday we have parent review days. I am also off for one week. On Saturday I am driving down to Kent to see Ebbsfleet play home against York. I hope Ebssfleet win, doubt it though as York are top of the league. I might also be meeting Darryl. Many of you don't know who he is but he is a friend of mine. He has the same condition (asperges) as me. He used to watch me on Justin TV. He lives in Tonbridge, which is in Kent. I can't wait to meet him, still a bit scared though. Well I am sure its natural. And I am sure things will go okay. On Sunday me, Dave and Dawn are getting the train into London city to see the landmarks, etc. Then we are driving back home on Monday. So I am stopping in Kent over the weekend. I am looking forward to it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would like to add that me and Jack are still friend we did not meet in London. But he is still my of my best friend I know Jack feels thats not true as I have been a idiot over all this. I just did not understand. I was so happy that Jack changed his mind that. Then he changed it back I took it to heart. I could of been more understanding and less selfish about why he changed his mind. Sorry Jack.
