Saturday 31 October 2009

Weekend :(

Thursday, I did some xmas shopping with Dad in Middlesbrough. Oh and rang my friend Drew, in Reading to ask him a question about an app for the iPhone. I rang him at about 9:30 PM but he was in a meeting. He rang back a few mins later. Friday (yesterday) I woke up, watched Raymond, Frasier, Jermemy Kyle, etc. Then I got dressed and rang Dave to come pick me up. After that, we went to New Marske, Redcar to see my new cousin. I was only interested in their 50" television and Sky + HD to be honest. Then we went to Redcar and got a chippy, we sat in the car eating that and listening to Metro Radio, which works well in Redcar, even better than TFM surprisingly. Then we went home and I spent a few hours on the Internet. Dawn came back from Leeds and then me and Dad wen't out to Toys R Us to buy a new Xbox 360. This one is better in alot of ways than my old one, this one has HDMI cable. I got that at 5:00 PM and was playing it till 12:00 AM, but thats nothing compared to how much I will play today. Then I wen't to sleep and woke up on Saturday (today). Today Dad and Dawn are going to Liverpool until Monday so I might not be able to post in this blog until then, but we will see. Oh and I got your comment TMC in one of the previous posts, how are you doing m8? Do you still read the blog?

Wednesday 28 October 2009

Wednesday - Trip To Lancashire

Before I start the post, Dave did get the telescope yesterday (Tuesday) and I have a video which I need to do some editing with and then will post on YouTube and then here, should be ready by Friday. Today we went to Manchester Airport then Blackpool in Lancashire! I have just got back at 22:30 and it is a relief to be out that car! I woke up at 7am, got up, had breakfast, watched Everybody Loves Raymond then Frasier on Channel 4, then a bit of Spongebob on Nickelodeon then Dave came. First thing we did was go to Tesco so he could get snacks and top up my phone (or the Global Positioning System would not work). After that we set off, first place we went was Manchester Ringway Airport, we spent about 3 hours there, before we set off for Blackpool. We tried to book a room in Premier Inn but there wasn't any rooms available, so we ate at the pub next door and drove into town. The traffic was extremely busy, but it was interesting. It took us just over an hour to drive from one end of the town to the other! We left at about 19:50 and at 20:00 we were on the road home. It took us 2 hours 40 mins to get home. Now I am at home writing this and talking to someone on MSN. Below are some pictures of the radio stations I received. Oh, also, on the way to Manchester, I stopped into Tingley, Leeds to photograph the transmitter for 96.3 Radio Aire, the sun was in the way so they weren't very good photos.

From left to right:

96.0 FM: BBC Radio Shropshire (West Midlands)
106.6 FM: Bradford Community Broadcasting (Bradford)
107.4 FM: Tempo FM (Wetherby)
103.5 FM: Minster Northallerton (Northallerton)
102.5 FM: The Pulse of West Yorkshire (Leeds, Bradford, Dewsbury, Wakefield, Halifax, etc)

Monday 26 October 2009


Saturday night, we didn't go stargazing at N.Yorks, the clouds came back, oh well. Sunday, my dad was going to a wedding so I had to come home early, I spend the day watching TV and playing video games. Monday, this morning I woke up at about 9:00 AM and listened to the radio for a while. I went downstairs and watched "Everybody Loves Raymond" on Comedy Central, every week day 10-11 AM. Then Dad came and I was still in pjamas! So I had to get dressed, fast, and skipped brushing my teeth (I don't like the toothpaste my mum purchases anyway, Colgate, its too strong). I switched everything off and put the almost empty pepsi bottle back in the fridge and wen't to Dad's house. I spent the ENTIRE day watching YouTube videos, while Dave went to the pub (The Kings Arms, its near my school). Dawn had some things to do so I was left home alone. Like I said, I spend the entire day watching videos, and Dad came back at..... what was it again? About 6PM maybe? Anyway we had a pizza takeaway, from Jazzy's pizza shop, yes, thats the one I live next to - Crap, people from school read this and I just gave away my location! Oh well, whats the worst they could do? - Post a bomb? *Waits by the letter box*. The pizza was crap, and the fries weren't brilliant, after that I listened to radio some more, I watched FlashForward at 9:00 PM and came back down at 10:00 PM to listen to that late night phone in show on Metro Radio and thats what I am doing now, it is on until 2am, so I will probably go to bed around then. Problem is that radio station is from Newcastle, and reception around here is crap, I can hear the station fine on my stereo but theres alot of annoying static. Oh well. Wednesday I am going to Manchester Airport, then Blackpool! I am looking forward to it - all those radio stations I will receive!

Saturday 24 October 2009


Today I woke up and stayed in bed for a while listening to the radio, I got up at about 7:30 AM and watched TV, ate breakfast, watched SpongeBob SqaurePants and got in the shower. I was in the shower for about half an hour, so after that I got dressed and rang my Dad (Dave) to come and pick me up from Mum's. That was at 10:30 AM and he got here at 11:30 AM because he had to shower and things. I went back to Dad's house and got online for a while until 1:15 PM when we went to Stockton to get the new carpet, so that is now ordered and is arriving in a few weeks, still need to get the new suite. I came home, watched The Simpsons and had some food. Then after all that I came down and wrote this. Thats about all I've done today, the skies are currently clear and hopefully if everything keeps up me and Dad might get out to Danby, Yorkshire with the telescope. Thats if the skies stay clear, of course. Will write tomorrow morning. Oh and Dad ordered a new telescope last night, this one is smaller than the other one however it is automatic, so you could select something like "Andromeda Galaxy (M31)" and the telescope would automatically point towards it. Of course, the Andromeda Galaxy is a summer constellation, so dunno how well it would look. That should arrive soon. I will write tomorrow and let you know if things go to plan. I am also going to do some updated to the website today. Au Revoir.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Bad Day!

I am updating this blog by request from someone at school because they said they watched those videos of me. The one where I flooded the garden (remember that one? lol) and the other one where I cut the grass (as far as I am aware that video isn't on YouTube). Anyway I woke up at 7:00 AM, got dressed, ate breakfast, watched television and walked to school. Now those of you who know me well, will know how lazy I am and I hate walking! The reason I was walking is because I kept saying I hated Dawn's car (well it is a load of crap). The reason it is crap is because its cheap. Also the aerial is broke and the only stations I can get is Galaxy and Smooth, no TFM or Metro or Radio 1, its absolutly disgraceful. Anyway I went to school, learnt some things, walked home in the rain! So my uniform got all wet :( Then when I got home I got my laptop out, now I am speaking to a friend (via MSN) and writing this. Well thats it, oh and for the people from school who are reading this my MSN is (what else would it be?). Oh and you can see from the pics below how well we are getting on with the decorating. Chairs moved, Settee has moved position, hi-fi under the stairs and lamp in the bin. Oh btw the new suite has been ordered and will be arriving soon, we are probably going to order the new carpet on Saturday.

Au Revoir

Saturday 3 October 2009


Hey guys, well I had a great week, except Dave went to London yesterday on the train with all his friends for the weekend so I'm left here with my mum! The train went from Darlington-York-Doncaster-Peterbrough when I actually thought it would go Darlington-York-Leeds-Sheffield-Derbyshire. Anyway, I might be getting a new laptop for Xmas and I am considering if I do, I may use this Vista to set up a 24 hour webcam of the back garden (I would set up a Street Cam, problem is the only 2 rooms that face the front is the Living Room and Dad's Bedroom. Or I could purchase a wireless webcam, anyway let me know what you think. If I did purchase a wireless webcam I would still have my other webcam so I could, I suppose, always set up 2 different streams. Backyard and Street. If those are boring, I could always set up a TV cam, using a Capture Card connected to my Digital Satellite Receiver so you could watch what I was watching, or I may be able to do TV and Backyard cam. Anyway, post comments and tell me if its a good idea.