Wednesday 18 November 2009

Pulled Up Carpet

Today Dave, Dawn and Ian (Dawn's nephew) pulled up the carpet and got rid of the sofa in the Living Room. I videod it and posted them to YouTube, the new suite and new carpet are arriving tomorrow, so I look forward to the pics.


Please enjoy these vids and remember to comment on them!

Tuesday 17 November 2009

iPhone Found!

Dave received an email on Sunday (but read it on Monday) saying they have found my iPhone at the Ebbsfleet/York match. They live in Tingley, Wakefield, West Yorkshire. I have been to Tingley before, briefly when I went to Lancashire and it was to photograph 96.3 Radio Aire's transmitter. They are sending the iPhone back and when I do I think I will sell it online, any buyers? I am selling it on Amazon UK.

Monday 16 November 2009

New iPhone 3GS

I got the new 32 GB iPhone 3GS on Sunday and it is awesome, camera is 3MP rather than the 2MP iPhone 3G. I have already recorded some videos you can see them here:

I still miss that old iPhone though, but, we all have to move on. The new one has a compass anyway - I will never be lost again lol. Today I went to school and it rained heavy for a few hours, but it did blow over. Anyway, I am still recording videos, watch my YouTube account and check it every few days. Oh and for some reason Carly wanted me to mention her in my blog, so hi Carly, I love you.

Saturday 14 November 2009

Saturday - iPhone Lost

Today we went to York with my dad and his friend, Jimmy. Dawn gave us a lift to Darlington and we got the train from there to York. The match was fun, York 1 - 0 Ebbsfleet (no surpirses there). After the match I took a photo of something called "Ceejay's Signs" to show to my friend, Chris (or Ceejay) then went for a piss. After that we left the F.C. and when we got back into the main street Dave asked if I had my stuff, I checked and discovered my iPhone was missing. I thought it had dropped out my pocket but we went back, retraced our steps and searched everywhere but couldn't find it, and we even tried ringing it but the volume was off (I keep it off alot). We searched the F.C. but couldn't find it. When we got home (10:50 PM because we had been to Debbie's before we came home), Dave rang O2 and we had the number barred. Tomorrow (Sunday) I am getting up early to go to the O2 store and buy a new phone, will probably get the iPhone 3GS. If you have my number don't worry as it is not being changed. I will be keeping the same number because they are transferring then data from the original SIM card to the new one.

I will update on the new iPhone tomorrow, but I will have to spend most of the day TRYING to return it to its original state.

More Details Tomorrow

P.S. - if you took my iPhone and if you are reading this right now. You SUCK and I will dance around your FUCKING grave.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Tuesday & Wednesday

On Tuesday, after school, I went to the opening evening at Bede Sixth Form college in Billingham, alot of people from my school were there. We had a look around and looked at the courses available and support and all that. I still prefer Middlesbrough College better though. After that we went to my grandparents house and visited them before they went on their holiday to Malta. They are going for one month and coming back sometime in mid-December. Weather here has been quite mild, cold in the morning but warms up during the day. Today (Wednesday) after school I went to an interview at Middlesbrough college with my Mum and Dad. The interview went well, and I have been offered a place there! I am going to be taking the web design course. Just think, in a few years I could be creating websites for businesses! Of course I still have to have interviews at other colleges around the area - Hartlepool, Stockton and Billingham. But out of all of them I have peferred M'boro the most. There is also a free bus that goes to Middlesbrough College and it starts at Billingham. After the interview me and Dave went to Mc Donalds and I had fries, hamburger, chocolate muffin and a medium sized Coke. After that we went to the Owington Farm pub briefly because my grandparents were there, also Dawn, Janice, and well pretty much the entire family. Then we went back to Dave's house and I listened to some music and got in the shower and here I am now. On Friday (13th) I am leaving school at 12:20 PM (lunchtime) to see if I am eligeble for braces. I may also be getting a haircut. Well, theres no doubt about it, Friday the 13th really is unlucky! Still, things will be better on Saturday because I am going to York as I previously indicated in an earlier post. Tomorrow Dave is going to the school because its parent-teacher night. It starts at about 5PM and lasts until 8:20 PM for Dave. Oh and Anothony Q, thanks for your comment on my last post, no I don't stream or use JTV anymore, but I update this blog, which is kind of like streaming, only I write about life from my point of view!

Monday 9 November 2009

Sunday & Monday

Sunday, I went to Debbie's house (Debbie is Dawn's sister) and had lunch there, I had Yorkshire Puddings and Pork. Mmmmm. I had some text messages, and I thought they were from Darryl, but it turns out they were from Jamie Peterson! When I realised I couldn't stop laughing. With that said, I am not becoming friends with Jamie, I'm not unblocking him on MSN and I am not going to his room, but I will not ignore his text messages. Today I went to school, in the last period, Math, someone got shouted at and sent out the room! Haha. By the way his name is Johnny, poor guy. He was also sent out in the previous period (English). I came home, and watched Futurama on SKY 2 and then rang Dave to come and get me, I am staying overnight at his house tonight so I got my stuff ready, socks, underwear, iPhone. When I got to Dave's house I noticed Janice (Dawn's other sister) was here. Dave went to Tesco (supermarket) and I stayed and surfed the web. While he was there he bought a new CD - "Dreamboats And Petticoats Part Three". It has good songs, Doo wop and rock and roll from the 50s and 60s. "With Cliff Richard & The Shadows, Paul Anka, Neil Sedaka, Carole King, Connie Francis, Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison And Many More". I have been playing it on the stereo in the living room with headphones on and I am loving it so far. Well thats all for now, Flashforward is on tonight, 9PM on Five!

Saturday 7 November 2009


Today I woke up and sent an email to Ceejay, he talked about his friend Simon not being able to receive television reception. I gave him some advice about it. He also mentioned some other things. I got up, watxhed Frasier and Raymond on Comedy Central and had breakfast. I got dressed and got the bus to Dad's house but no one was in, so I went in the shower. After that I got the laptop down and chatted to Darryl and had lunch. Then Dave came in, and thats about all I did today. I have been having problems with someone on MSN, he has been bullying me and saying dispicible things. Things which I can't repeat here and only what a person with a sick mind would say. I was going to report him to CEOP but decided not to bother. I am going to do an update to the website, change some things around on the front page and add that "Flooding The Garden" cartoon to the front page. Dave and Dawn are going out tonight! RESULT! I can enjoy myself, better make the most of it though!

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday, I went to school. When I got home the sky was clear so Dave got both telescopes out and looked at the moon. At 7;10 PM he said he saw something in the sky, a UFO. It was big, orange and moving in a straight direction. My explination is that it was a satellite, the reason it was orange was that it was being reflected off the sun. I can't explain why it was big, but that is my explination of Dave's sighting. Good thing he didn't ring SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) otherwise he would have looked like an idiot. Wednesday, I went to school again. Then came home and got changed. It is now 5:00 PM and I am going to Riverside College in Stockton at 5:30 PM. Thats about it, I really just wanted to tell you about the "UFO" that my Dad saw. It wasn't the International Space Station because I immediately checked where it was and it was over the Pacific Ocean (near New Zealand). Oh and the picture below is something which a friend drew himself. It is based on when I flooded the garden. It was drawn by a person called Luis from Mexico City, Mexico. Enjoy. If you want to download it, click on the picture to get it to full screen, then right click, then "Save Image As..."

Monday 2 November 2009

Crap Weekend

The weekend was so boring, because of Dave and Dawn going to Liverpool, Merseyside. I went home on Saturday morning and watched TV, then sometime around lunch I went upstairs to play on my 360. I was on there until 10:00 PM and I watched Flashforward on Fiver. Then I watched South Park. Then went to bed at 1:00 AM I think. Sunday I pretty much did the same thing, watched TV and went to play video games, and listened to the radio at 10:00 PM, there was a halloween speacial on that late night phone in show I listen to. They were live from Penrith, Cumbria. I fell asleep listening to that and Monday (today) I woke up and watched TV and had breakfast, I watched more TV and got dressed and then went online. I tracked my Dad and Dawn via Global Positioning System and watched them drive home. Then at 3:30 PM when they got back I went to Dave's. I played on the 360 and ate tea. Then I came down to write this. I have 2 trips planned for the future, on the 14th November I am going to York on the train to watch the Ebbsfleet match, then on 5th December I am going to Oxford (driving) to watch Ebbsfleet play again, I look forward to these trips. Thats all for now.