Wednesday 4 November 2009

Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday, I went to school. When I got home the sky was clear so Dave got both telescopes out and looked at the moon. At 7;10 PM he said he saw something in the sky, a UFO. It was big, orange and moving in a straight direction. My explination is that it was a satellite, the reason it was orange was that it was being reflected off the sun. I can't explain why it was big, but that is my explination of Dave's sighting. Good thing he didn't ring SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) otherwise he would have looked like an idiot. Wednesday, I went to school again. Then came home and got changed. It is now 5:00 PM and I am going to Riverside College in Stockton at 5:30 PM. Thats about it, I really just wanted to tell you about the "UFO" that my Dad saw. It wasn't the International Space Station because I immediately checked where it was and it was over the Pacific Ocean (near New Zealand). Oh and the picture below is something which a friend drew himself. It is based on when I flooded the garden. It was drawn by a person called Luis from Mexico City, Mexico. Enjoy. If you want to download it, click on the picture to get it to full screen, then right click, then "Save Image As..."

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