Wednesday 11 November 2009

Tuesday & Wednesday

On Tuesday, after school, I went to the opening evening at Bede Sixth Form college in Billingham, alot of people from my school were there. We had a look around and looked at the courses available and support and all that. I still prefer Middlesbrough College better though. After that we went to my grandparents house and visited them before they went on their holiday to Malta. They are going for one month and coming back sometime in mid-December. Weather here has been quite mild, cold in the morning but warms up during the day. Today (Wednesday) after school I went to an interview at Middlesbrough college with my Mum and Dad. The interview went well, and I have been offered a place there! I am going to be taking the web design course. Just think, in a few years I could be creating websites for businesses! Of course I still have to have interviews at other colleges around the area - Hartlepool, Stockton and Billingham. But out of all of them I have peferred M'boro the most. There is also a free bus that goes to Middlesbrough College and it starts at Billingham. After the interview me and Dave went to Mc Donalds and I had fries, hamburger, chocolate muffin and a medium sized Coke. After that we went to the Owington Farm pub briefly because my grandparents were there, also Dawn, Janice, and well pretty much the entire family. Then we went back to Dave's house and I listened to some music and got in the shower and here I am now. On Friday (13th) I am leaving school at 12:20 PM (lunchtime) to see if I am eligeble for braces. I may also be getting a haircut. Well, theres no doubt about it, Friday the 13th really is unlucky! Still, things will be better on Saturday because I am going to York as I previously indicated in an earlier post. Tomorrow Dave is going to the school because its parent-teacher night. It starts at about 5PM and lasts until 8:20 PM for Dave. Oh and Anothony Q, thanks for your comment on my last post, no I don't stream or use JTV anymore, but I update this blog, which is kind of like streaming, only I write about life from my point of view!

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