Monday 2 November 2009

Crap Weekend

The weekend was so boring, because of Dave and Dawn going to Liverpool, Merseyside. I went home on Saturday morning and watched TV, then sometime around lunch I went upstairs to play on my 360. I was on there until 10:00 PM and I watched Flashforward on Fiver. Then I watched South Park. Then went to bed at 1:00 AM I think. Sunday I pretty much did the same thing, watched TV and went to play video games, and listened to the radio at 10:00 PM, there was a halloween speacial on that late night phone in show I listen to. They were live from Penrith, Cumbria. I fell asleep listening to that and Monday (today) I woke up and watched TV and had breakfast, I watched more TV and got dressed and then went online. I tracked my Dad and Dawn via Global Positioning System and watched them drive home. Then at 3:30 PM when they got back I went to Dave's. I played on the 360 and ate tea. Then I came down to write this. I have 2 trips planned for the future, on the 14th November I am going to York on the train to watch the Ebbsfleet match, then on 5th December I am going to Oxford (driving) to watch Ebbsfleet play again, I look forward to these trips. Thats all for now.

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