Tuesday 27 July 2010

France Trip - Day 11 - 16th Birthday Tomorrow!

Day 11 - 16th Birthday Tomorrow

Hey guys, sorry about not blogging but I have been going out with Ian and some new friends we have made (16 year old girls). Anyway, I went to Monaco a few days ago and I also went to the Aquapark in Frejus yesterday. Well I am just blogging quickly now to say it is my birthday tomorrow (28th) and it would be very appriciated if you would send me an E-Card (Not yet though, tomorrow), if you do, you will be credited on this blog tomorrow. Of course those who have my address please feel free to send me a real card, then again I am not sure if it's a good idea, although I don't return until the 31st I don't think it would arrive even for then. I will not be returning until quite late on the 31st, I land back in Newcastle around 11-11:30 pm. I have asked my Dad to buy me the video game ' Red Dead Redemption ' on XBOX 360 so I look forward to playing that (in HD on my big TV :)). Anyway today we are just hanging around the pool, I will probably be meeting my new (girl) friends tonight, but the thing is I never arrive back until very late (up to 2AM), well anyway that's my blog post done.

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