Wednesday, 21 July 2010

France Trip - Day 5 - Barbecue (7/21)

Day 5 - Barbecue

I woke up this morning sometime between 5-6 AM, I heard someone moving around outside, I think it was Dave getting a drink so I waited until he went back to bed before I got up, went to pee then went back to bed and back to sleep. Then I woke again at about 10:30 AM. I heard Dave and Dawn outside talking, I continued lying in bed and I heard Dave say he was going to wake me up, he was unaware that I was already awake. He came in my room at 11 AM, found out I was awake and said he and Dawn were going to the pool and I could join them when I was ready. After they left I got up and got straight into the shower for about 30 seconds. Got out, got dressed, brushed my teeth and left. I couldn't find the bread so had nothing to eat. I walked over to the swimming pool and seen the whole family there. I went straight in the pool and spent most of the day there. I did come out sometime during the day and went back to grab something to eat, there was alot of good songs on Skyrock and so I came back to the pool late. I spent another couple of hours in the pool before going back up, getting another quick shower, getting dressed and walking over to D&L's caravan. I trimmed their hedges because they were too long. Dave and Dawn came about an hour later. Dave and Lesley went to the supermarket to get some stuff for the barbecue which we started when they came back. We had pork, rabbit legs and beef, I enjoyed it. After that we just hung out for the rest of the night. I need to be up early tomorrow because we are going out to a market to get the 'French experience'. Well I will blog all about that tomorrow night.


  1. Rabbit legs?
