Saturday 17 July 2010

Going to France today/New Website

Hi guys, well I had a great time in Bulgaria, I am now going on holiday AGAIN, this time I am going to Frejus, the south of France with Dave and Dawn. Then on Tuesday Debbie (Dawn's sister) and Lesley (Debbie's husband) and some of the kids from Dawn's family are coming. Then on Thursday Ian and Katie (Dawn's nephew/niece) are coming. It will be fun anyway. Ian is actually driving us up to Newcastle airport at 2 PM and our flight takes off at 17:25, although I am not sure what time the gates open. We will probably arrive in France at around 9 PM but we have a rental car so I can DX, like I did in France last year and listen to Skyrock. Oh btw Alors on Danse by Stomae was quite popular in Bulgaria. Anyway, enough about my holiday I would like to share something else with you. I have created a brand new website,, check it out and let me know what you think. I want it to be a sucess. I actually think it's quite good considering I am crap at web design. I created it in Fireworks and Dreamweaver. Just one last thing, I am sure all of you have heard of the Raoul Moat incident 2 weeks ago in Gateshead, Newcastle and Rothbury, well personally I think this country is getting worse, this is the second gun incident in the UK this year! Why do they allow these things to happen?

1 comment:

  1. Proxy for Uk radio stations: check
    Proxy for Bulgaria radio stations: check
    Proxy for France radio stations: check

    Proxy for Turkey radio station: negative
    Any good food in France?
    French radio seems mostly crap until they play English songs (even withstanding the language barrier) :-)
