Wednesday 28 July 2010

France Trip - Day 12 - Birthday/Trip To Italy

Day 12 - Birthday/Trip To Italy

Well, as you all know today is my birthday. I had a few presents and cards, including The Simpsons season 11, which I already have, but this is in French lol. Anyway this morning Dave said he was taking me out on a trip in the car, just me and him, we were heading East towards Monaco. Anyway I had no idea where we were going but we went into Italy, over the border. We visited a small town called Ventimiligia near the border, so I got to DX in Italy and visit this country which I have never been to. Two new countries in one year - Bulgaria and Italy, not bad, eh? Once we crossed the border into Italy we came to a toll but we had to take a ticket, Dave was panicking because he didn't know what to do. Well we came to another toll about 2 minutes later and they stamped the ticket or something, not sure what they did, can't remember. We parked in a car park but didn't know how to pay so we went up to this bus driver and asked him, well we couldn't communicate but he was either saying we didn't need to pay as it was free or you couldn't park here, at the end Dave said "merci" then realised we weren't in France he said "thank you" but that's still wrong he said "gracias" (Spanish, similar to saying thank you in Italian), I then had to point out that the correct word was "Grazie" lol, quite funny really - Merci, Thank You, Gracais, Grazie. Dave referred to himself as a "man of International tounge" haha. We went to a cafe, had lunch, had a Coke and went back to the car and drove back to France. Dave was a bit worried because if you park and don't buy a ticket your car can get towed. It was a good day out anyway, you can't really get many French stations over the Italian border for some reason, must be something to do with the hills. So I really enjoyed the day and I got to visit a new country. Best birthday ever. (oh also Birthday Sex came on Skyrock last night at 11:30 PM UK time).

Now then, I can't say I am too happy about the lack of E-Cards I have received today, in fact no one has even left any comments on the front page to wish me a happy birthday, disgraceful, on the other hand I have had a load of messages on Facebook who wished me a happy birthday, so I will list these people now. Before I do I will mention that Ceejay (Chris) sent me an E-Card, I appreciate that. These are the people I'd like to thank (for wishing me a happy birthday on either Facebook or somewhere else):


Thanks guys, I love most of you. I will of course edit this list should I get anyone else wishing me a happy birthday. I must say I am surprised TMC and Calvin aren't on this list.

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