Thursday 30 July 2009

Final Post

This is my final post before my holiday. This morning I woke up at 8:00am and just layed in bed and thought about things. I watched the end of Titanic on the Sky Movies Modern channel and got dressed. Not long after that Dawn drove me back home and I watched more television up until 11:30am when my mum took me for a haircut. Then I came home, showered, had lunch and watched more television which led me to what I'm doing now - watching television and blogging. At about 7:00pm me and my Mum are getting a lift to the airport. Take off is at 10:45 PM. The airport I am travelling from is Newcastle, which is just North of the city Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. Click here to see the airport on Google Maps. The flight is TCX873K. Arriving at about 2:00am UK Time (4:00am Greek Time (EEST)). Responding to your comment on my previous post, Carly, the 32" TV was my birthday present which I got weeks earlier. The only presents I got was yours, and a Bart Simpson beach towel from Dawn and Dave. Anyway, please leave your comments and I will see you all next Thursday. I love you all.

Great Day

Today was great. I woke at about 9:45AM and watched some television. Jeremey Kyle, Everybody Loves Raymond and Judge Judy, all of that until about 11:30AM when my Mum took me to the town center and put me in a taxi to my dad's house. After I got there I ate my cheese pasty, pizza bouquet and chocolate crispy cake, then drank my bottle of coke while listening to the radio. Nothing really happened after that. My Dad came in from work at EXACTLY 16:15:01 ((GPS)).
:) We then picked Dawn up from a friends house, came home, Dave went in the shower and then we took Dawn to Guisborough for an appointment. After that we came home, I had a bath and read DigitalSpy forums. Tomorrow I am going on holiday to Kos, Greece and wont be back until next Thursday, so I will see you all then. Goodbye and God bless.

Tuesday 28 July 2009


27th July

I had a good day on the 27th, Dave picked me up and we took a few boxes to the tip. Then I went round his house for most of the day and at about 5pm we went to TGI Fridays and I had fries and burger. Then we went bowling and left there at about 9:05pm.

28th July - Birthday!

Today was my birthday and I had a good day. I did not get ANY sleep at all last night, not because I was excited, but something else.... I woke up at about 8am, went downstairs, put the tv on and fell asleep on my sofa. I woke at 10:30am and watched Everybody Loves Raymond on Comedy Central. Then I was on and off the computer. At about 2pm (maybe) my mum took me to the local pub (bar) for food, and I had chips and burger, lol, same as what I had yesterday at TGI. Then I came home went on the computer and here I am. Well thats it, please leave comments.

Monday 27 July 2009

Sunday - Boring (Again)

Hi all, its 2 days till my B-day! I will be 15. Anyway Sunday was boring, it involved me using my laptop, going outside and listening to the radio, same as every other day, so there isnt really any point in me posting about it, is there? I will post tomorrow night. ily all.

Saturday 25 July 2009

Saturday - Shopping

I came home from Dave's house at 11:30am and then went shopping with my mum, I now have a new pair of shoes for holiday on Thursday. My mum also had to return a dress or something she bought from Matalan and replace it with another one (wrong size). I also got a new T-Shirt and a pair of shorts also for holiday. Then me and my mum ate at a nice restaurant overlooking the River Tees, I had pizza and chips, it was nice although the pizza was big! After I came home I just went online and did stuff. I am also devistated to find that a really good show on TFM/Metro has been axed so they can broadcast a stupid networked show from their sister station 96.3 Radio Aire in Leeds, I hate networked shows. It also goes across every other station owned by the company, except 96.7 Radio City in Liverpool. Oh well, life goes on, if I am ever in the car on a Saturday Night I will probably be over on BBC Tees (95.0 FM) or Real (100.7 FM). It is currently 11:48 PM and I'm really tired. I am going to go to bed but leave my laptop on overnight as I am downloading something.

Au revoir

Friday 24 July 2009

Friday - Boring Day

Today was actually quite boring, I woke up and had a nice long M (yes ceejay, it is what you think it is!). After that I got up and watched some TV but kept losing the reception (stupid Sky). Sometime between 11am-12pm I rung Drew, but we didn't speak for long because he had a sore throat and was busy working so I didn't want to keep him, after that I went online, but nothing of much intrest was happening. At about 1:20pm I went out and bought some fries and bread (chip butty) but discovered we had no ketchup (grrrrr I hate people), so that was rubbish, I also bought a chocolate bar and 3 cans of Coke which I enjoyed. Nothing much happened after that, but at about 4:45pm the phone rung and it was Dave asking if I wanted to come round, I said yes and here I am. I am sleeping over tonight but going back home tomorrow (Saturday) so I can go clothes shopping with my mum :( :( :( Please Please PLEASE KILL ME! We need new trainers for my holiday to Kos, Greece on Thursday. Oh, I almost forgot, when I got to Dave's house there was a package from Carly (girl from JTV), she sent me some Oreos, a banner with my name on, a book about the bible and a card :) Thanks Carly, I love you. Pictures of that are attached below. Tonight me, Dave, Dawn and Katie (Dawn's niece) are coming to my house tonight so we can all watch Lost on my 32" TV. We are having pizza takeaway and everything, it will be really kewl, I can't wait. Well thats about it for now (Oh look at the 2nd Picture, I actually think its kinda creepy if you know what I mean). Love you all (especially Carly - Best Friend). Au Revoir.

Thursday 23 July 2009

Visit From Social Services

Today I woke at about 9:45am (I think, can't remember), watched TV, went on the Internet and stuff like that. My mum came home at lunch today (as she does every Thursday) and I ate some fries and bread (chip butty) and watched a bit of The Simpsons Movie. Also my cousin has been on front page of a local newspaper serving Billingham and Stockton, about fixing bikes, I may try and scan it tomorrow and post it here. At about 2:50pm, my dad came to my house getting ready to meet the social worker, and at around 3pm she eventually came. We discussed about the problems with the girls and how I was using my condition as an excuse. We chatted for about 1 hour 30 minutes before leaving. Then I just went back online and that was about it. I have been using a website for radio tuners, it is called and it is really good. I can tune radios and listen to FM in different countries, some of them even have RDS, there is one in Wakefield, West Yorkshire which isnt far from me and all my local radio stations can be heard over there. Check it out. Well, I will post again tomorrow, remember to leave comments and you can contact me using the form on my website for anything at all.

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Aerial Installers Came Today!

Hi everyone, I woke up at around 4am then went back to sleep, then woke at 7am and heard Dave getting up ready for work. I went downstairs and joined him, had some breakfast (bread and butter), had a shower then cleaned the room ready for the aerial installers. They came just after 10am and I watched them put the aerials up, we get much better reception on the TV downstairs, and the old aerial in the loft is now being used on the stereo downstairs. After that I just searched online, reading the forums at and stuff like that. Social services are coming to my house tomorrow so I will post about that, it is now 10:20PM and I am sat here listening to the radio. (The top aerial is for TV and the bottom is for FM). Feel free to contact me for anything and please leave your comments, I will read them all, thanks Charlie, for your comment on the previous post.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Living Room Wallpaper Stripped

Well, the living room walls are finally stripped (before and after pictures below), yesterday (Monday) I went to Dad's house at around 9am, I pulled off wallpaper for about an hour or so, got bored and went upstairs to watch The Simpsons (I love that show! My favourite characters are Homer and Marge!). Anyway, Dawn and Dave (Dad) stripped the rest of the paper when Dave came home from work. at around 5:30PM, me and Dave went to Teesside Retail Park and ended up buying 2 Red/White audio cables and a VGA Cable so I can use my 32" TV as a PC Monitor (pics below). Today (Tuesday) I came round to find Dawn and her niece (Dawn was babysitting), they were stripping the wallpaper in the landing upstairs (the wallpaper is connected to the living room). They kept bugging me to switch the radio on, so eventually I did, I kept switching between TFM and Metro. Then after that I just watched TV and used the computer. So thats about it, tomorrow (Wednesday) the aerial fitters are coming to install a brand new Digital TV aerial for the TV downstairs and my TV upstairs, they are also installing a new FM/DAB aerial on the roof of the house. I will post pics tomorrow. Time to crash, night everyone.

Sunday 19 July 2009

New Television!

Hey everyone, just thought I'd post about my new television I got on the Sunday 5th July 2009 (I think). It is 32", High Definition, I also have got cable television up there in Surround Sound, I love it so much. Also I got a new laptop table, chair and new shelves. Here are some pics of my TV.