Friday 24 July 2009

Friday - Boring Day

Today was actually quite boring, I woke up and had a nice long M (yes ceejay, it is what you think it is!). After that I got up and watched some TV but kept losing the reception (stupid Sky). Sometime between 11am-12pm I rung Drew, but we didn't speak for long because he had a sore throat and was busy working so I didn't want to keep him, after that I went online, but nothing of much intrest was happening. At about 1:20pm I went out and bought some fries and bread (chip butty) but discovered we had no ketchup (grrrrr I hate people), so that was rubbish, I also bought a chocolate bar and 3 cans of Coke which I enjoyed. Nothing much happened after that, but at about 4:45pm the phone rung and it was Dave asking if I wanted to come round, I said yes and here I am. I am sleeping over tonight but going back home tomorrow (Saturday) so I can go clothes shopping with my mum :( :( :( Please Please PLEASE KILL ME! We need new trainers for my holiday to Kos, Greece on Thursday. Oh, I almost forgot, when I got to Dave's house there was a package from Carly (girl from JTV), she sent me some Oreos, a banner with my name on, a book about the bible and a card :) Thanks Carly, I love you. Pictures of that are attached below. Tonight me, Dave, Dawn and Katie (Dawn's niece) are coming to my house tonight so we can all watch Lost on my 32" TV. We are having pizza takeaway and everything, it will be really kewl, I can't wait. Well thats about it for now (Oh look at the 2nd Picture, I actually think its kinda creepy if you know what I mean). Love you all (especially Carly - Best Friend). Au Revoir.


  1. I think I'm known as "the Norwegian girl who ruined the ping pong table" in Kos, Greece by now.
    I came back from there today, have fun! : )

  2. Hi Jack,just wanted to say congrats on the new tv(i dont have 1 that nice and i'm grown with a full time job,lol)You're JTV fans miss you but i gotta agree with your parents!if my daughter was watching something naughty i would monitor her internet access too! But kids make mistakes so maybe Dave will let you back on jtv if he sits with you and monitors the chat. I know u chat with adults sometimes(such as myself)but i have never seen anybody do or say anything improper. I think most adults on your site(live from the uk) have read your bulletin on aspergers . and just want to be nice to you. Anyway do what your parents tell you, they know whats best, and you'll be back in no time! be safe and have fun(bermudabudz from jtv)

  3. ahahaha wooo[: jack i love those picutes :D i loveeeyouuuuu[:

  4. -Jack-

    I would love to send you some gifts for your birthday from Minnesota =)

    Please email me at

    From Your Friend
    -Pete- (iProxy)
