Wednesday 22 July 2009

Aerial Installers Came Today!

Hi everyone, I woke up at around 4am then went back to sleep, then woke at 7am and heard Dave getting up ready for work. I went downstairs and joined him, had some breakfast (bread and butter), had a shower then cleaned the room ready for the aerial installers. They came just after 10am and I watched them put the aerials up, we get much better reception on the TV downstairs, and the old aerial in the loft is now being used on the stereo downstairs. After that I just searched online, reading the forums at and stuff like that. Social services are coming to my house tomorrow so I will post about that, it is now 10:20PM and I am sat here listening to the radio. (The top aerial is for TV and the bottom is for FM). Feel free to contact me for anything and please leave your comments, I will read them all, thanks Charlie, for your comment on the previous post.

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