Friday 16 April 2010

Friday Morning - Update for Yesterday

Well, it's currently 6:20 AM on Friday morning as I wirte this. I have just showered as I am going to Derbyshire today. I didn't update last night so I will do the update now. I woke up and saw Dawn and Libby (Dawn's niece) was here. I got dressed straight away because they were going out. When they left I played GTA IV until about 1:30 PM. Then Dawn came back in my Dad's car. I got in and saw Libby and Janice (Libby's Mum) sitting in the back. Dawn came out and we went to Seaton Carew (Hartlepool). I DX'd in the car and got some long distance radio stations from the East Midlands (thats where I'm going today). I got a chip butty and ate that in the car, after that Dawn took us home. Then she got her car out and drove it to the MOT garage. I played more GTA IV until that got boring at around 4PM. I just hung out online for most of the night, I did get in the shower. Me and Darryl agreed not to speak to each other for 2 years, I agree with that and think it's best. I watched The Simpsons around 12 AM on DVD and when that finished at 12:20 AM I headed off to bed. Oh and I was Skype with Ceejay and Timmy for a few hours. Anyway it's 6:26 AM now, I had a shower, but it was a bit cold. Then I logged in to write this. Well that's all for now.

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