Monday 12 April 2010

Monday - Missed Flashforward :

This morning I woke up quite early, 8:00 AM on the dot! I waited until about 9:00 AM maybe before I got up. I flicked between shows on TV. 'Everybody Loves Raymond' (Channel 4 +1) and 'Nothing to Declare' (Living). For those of you who don't know about the second show, it is just about the border forces at Sydney Airport. So it is an Austrailian program. I watched Jeremy Kyle (9:25-10:30) on ITV 1. After that I switched off the TV and played some music for an hour an half. I got dressed and brushed my teeth at 12:00 PM and went out to the town centre straight away. I don't really like the town centre on Monday and Friday, it is market day in Billingham on those days and you have people setting up stalls everywhere to sell crap. It is too busy and you can't get anywhere. I hung out there until 12:30 PM and then I went for my lunch (chip butty). I took it home, and ate it while I watched Futurama. I watched two episodes. The one where aliens attack to see the TV show Fry interupted and the one where Fry wins a tour to the Slurm factory. After my butty I opened a box of Magum chocolate popsicles and enjoyed one of them. After Futurama finished I went off to the town again and hung out there for a while. I came home at maybe 2 PM and just searched some stuff online. I switched my laptop on and listened to some music. My Dad called at about 4 PM and he came and picked me up. When we got to his house there was someone there who was preparing to install cavity insulation, which wont get done for a few weeks, if we decide to go along with it. After he left we got the lawn mower out for the first time this year. For those who can't remember I have a Flymo Sprintmaster XE90. I mowed the back garden but I got bored half way through and let Dad finish it off. Hopefully he will still decide to give me extra allowance. When I got bored with mowing the lawn I got some junk food and went upstairs with my laptop. I just messed around online. At about 9 PM I went on Skype call with Ceejay. BUT I missed one of my favourite shows, Flashforward which is on Five, Monday nights at 9 until 10. So I missed that. Since I was at my Dad's house I had the chance to watch it on my 32" LCD TV. Damn. Guess I'll have to watch online or something. Although I did enjoy the Skype call. I also messed around with Google Street View, exploring Wynyard village and Northallerton (North Yorkshire town). On Friday I might be going to the Heights of Abraham in Derbyshire, depends what the weather is like. That is 121 Miles from here, about a 2 hour drive. Will be a good day out though. If not Derbyshire then we might go to Alnwick castle in Alnwick, Northumberland. Some parts of the Harry Potter movies were filmed there. Anyway I'll write more when we make plans. Lastly, heres some photos of the Billingham Town Centre on market day. The last one shows how some strange people choose to dress, even when the weather is chilly.

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