Monday 19 April 2010

Weekend & Monday - Back To School


I woke up, had breakfast (waffles with bacon and bread and egg). I watched Frasier, Eeverybody Loves Raymond, The Simpsons. Then me, Dave and Dawn went over to Middlesbrough to get a new license plate for the car. We got that, came home and drilled it onto the car. I hang out online for most of the day, and watched a new episode of The Simpsons on WTSO.NET


I woke up, went online, ate crisps and a chocolate muffin, we went to Chester-le-Street, and had sunday lunch in a bar. I enjoyed it very much. After that we went to the Pontop Pike TV/Radio transmitter. I took some photos of it. Dave and Dawn went into a greenhouse nearby and bought some plants for the garden. When we got home I used the hose pipe to water them. The I hung out online for the rest of the day.


I woke up, had breakfast, got dressed and went to school, came home, watched the previous episode of Flashforward and hung out on 1Radio.

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