Friday 16 April 2010

Friday - Trip to Derbyshire

I woke up at 6AM, got in the shower (it was cold) and updated the blog for yesterday's events. After that I put a few episodes of The Simpsons on. Dave and Dawn got up at 8AM. I got dressed at 8:15 AM. Had breakfast at about 8:30 AM and we left just after 9AM for the Heights of Abraham, Matlock Bath, Derbyshire. We went through Yorkshire. The drive was 2 hours but we got there eventually. Dave drove there but Dawn drove coming back. Matlock Bath is a nice picturesque village in Derbyshire. We had some food, I had a plate of fries with burger (chip butty in other words). Seriously that's all I have ate all week, I am sick of them. Not to worry, I return to school on Monday. I also had a can of Coke. After that we looked around some shops, Dave got some money out of an ATM machine and headed over to the other side of the village and me, Dave and Dawn got on a cable car to take us up to the top of the hill. You get great views of the entire village and Matlock town. I would have video recorded going up on the cable car but my iPhone battery was low, I had it plugged in in the car but for some reason it wouldn't charge. Anyway there was also some French tourists at the top of the hill. It was quite interesting. After that we were going to go explore the caves but didn't have time. Dawn took the cable car back down to the village but me and Dave walked down. That was very tiring. We headed back to the car, at this point it was about 2/2:30 PM, about that. Dawn drove back, but when we got into Yorkshire, Dawn made a stupid mistake. Instead of continuing on the M1 "THE NORTH", she went onto the M621 which took us to Leeds! Dave was sleeping in the back of the car so I woke him up. The whole incident was quite funny. Not alot of traffic going into the city centre though. Dave started to give Dawn directions to get out of Leeds and back onto the M1. She made another wrong turn (back to the city centre) so we had to pull up and Dave took over the driving. He managed to get us back onto the M1, the rest of the car journey was good. I listened to a good show on Radio 1 on the way back. But when we got near Thirsk (North Yorkshire town), Dave accidentally ran over a pheasant! The problem with these animals is they have tunnel vision so they can only see in front of them, not to the sides. Poor thing probably died instantly. I was sitting back eating some candy, but I did feel the bump, scared the crap out of me!!! Not only did it kill the animal, the license plate on the car also fell off with it! We had to drive 25-30 miles back to Billingham without a front license plate, it's a good thing we didn't get pulled up by the police. We didn't know it fell off after we hit it though. There was a birthday party of one of Dawn's relatives so we dropped a present off at the restaurant near Wolviston services. Was quite warm when we got back to Billingham. Pretty much all of Dawn's family was there at the party. Anyway we dropped the present off and when we came out we inspected the damage, that's when we discovered there was no license plate! All we could do is laugh. We drove home illegally and I managed to get a picture of the car without the plate, I have posted it at the end of this blog post. Not to worry though, Dave is getting a new license plate tomorrow. Hopefully. I stayed at Dave's for a while, I went home at about 6 PM, but had to go home in Dawn's car. I was quite tired when I got home after everything that went on today. I didn't even finish my tea, I was too full and just not feeling good. I watched Lost at 10 PM and now it is 22:42, I am updating this and listening to music. My Mum is currently doing the same in the living room, only difference is I am using earphones, she is blasting her music out of the stereo, it's a terraced house too, hope it doesn't wake the neighbours. It's rude to play music loud at this time of night. Anyway, next update is tomorrow. Awwww back to school soon. CRAP.

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