Wednesday 14 April 2010

Fun Wednesday!

Well I had a great night. This morning I woke up a bit later than usual, I think it was about 9:30 AM. So I missed a bit of Jeremy Kyle, but not much. I listened to music at 10:30 AM, got dressed and got out the house at 12 PM. I went to the town, got my chip butty, came home and ate it. I watchd South Park while eating this time. I went back to the town centre after my lunch at about 12:55 PM and was there until 1:30 PM I think. I walked home with my cousins who I bumped into at the town. My house and their house is only a short walk anyway. But it was quite chilly today, otherwise I would have stayed at the town until 3PM. Anyway when I got home I logged onto the computer and just messed around online, chatted to some people, listened to Skyrock, etc etc. I went to Dave's at 4 PM and had a visitor round the house at 4:30 PM. It was a woman from one of the support services, I don't know, I spoke to her once before when she came to the house. Anyway she didn't stay long, left at about 5 PM. I got in the shower after she left, washed my hair, brushed my teeth (yes, in the shower LOL). I got out, got dressed and just messed around online until 6PM, I then watched The Simpsons on Channel 4 (Wild Barts Can't Be Broken). My friend from the Children's Society, Lewis came at about 6:25 PM so I greeted him downstairs and watched the final bit of The Simpsons downstairs while waiting for the taxi. The taxi came at 6:35 PM and took us to the Teesside Retail Park in Stockton. First thing we did was go to Burger King. I had fries and a plain hamburger with a Coke. I can't remember what he got. I enjoyed that, we left there at 7:30 PM and headed over to the cinema and watched Clash of the Titans which started at 8:00 PM and finished at 9:25 PM. After that finished we headed over to the bowling alley for a Coke while waiting for the taxi to take us home. I had alot of fun. It was great seeing some of the names people had put into their screens (Test Tickle, Iva Bigun, etc lol). We left the bowling alley at 9:55 PM and the taxt arrived to take us home. I got home for 10:10 PM and now I am just working on a site update to the about me page which should be released in a few minutes. Anyway it's 23:55 right now so I just wanted to get this posted before 12 AM. I had a great night and look forward to the next activity me and Lewis do. I think we are going to the Wynyard Planetarium next. I will keep you all updated on that, now I have to finish the site update. Forgot to mention, I have scrapped the Spanish version and will just keep the French version. Also can you please leave comments on the blog so I know people are actually reading this? Thanks.

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