Friday 9 April 2010

Blog Update

Hey guys, I know I don't update the blog often enough and I am sorry for that. I am extremely lazy! Today has been warm, 18 Celcius (68 Farenheit?). Anyway it is a sign that summer is coming. I wope up and waited for my mum to leave the house to go to work. When she did I got up, put the TV on. I watched Judge Judy on ITV 2 (9:00-9:25 AM) then watched The Jermey Kyle Show on ITV 1 (9:25-10:30 AM). After that I listened to a bit of music until about 11:30 AM, then got dressed, brushed my teeth and went out for a walk to the town centre. I hung out there for a while watching people shop, etc. Due to the warm weather I seen a few girls wearing skirts (lol). I came home and got the £1 my mum left me, went back to the town and bought a chip butty (that is chips (fries) with a bread bun, just saying for our International readers!) I came home, ate that then I walked to Dave's house. When I got there I watched the episode of Lost which I needed to catch up on, then I stayed there for a bit and walked back home at about 4:15 PM. I got back home eventually and just waited for Mum to come home. After that I just came online and watched a few Jeremy Kyle videos on YouTube, ate some fruit (yum), watched Lost at 9 PM on Sky 1 and now I am writing this. I will hopefully update tomorrow but now it is 11:53 PM and I am going to go to bed as I am tired and my back is hurting because I have been sitting in the porch for hours. The porch is the only place I can get an Internet signal. Also I am currently working on the Spanish translation of the site, so if anyone speaks Spanish and can translate the entire site, please contact me. Night guys, don't forget to leave your comments in the comment box on the site.

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