Saturday 8 May 2010

Friday's Update

On Friday I woke up at about 6:30 AM and listened to the radio for a while. I got up at 7:30 AM and watched the results of election day on GMTV (ITV 1), the BBC was too political. The results were still coming in. (Just so yoou know, the results were a 'hung parliament', this is where no party got the majority of 326 seats). I had my breakfast (egg with bread and butter). After that I got dressed, and went to the shop next to my house and bought a bottle of Coke and bar of Aero chocolate (yummy!). I ate my chocolate and watched VH1 for 5 minutes (the "80s at 8" was on), then me and my Mum left the house. When we got to the town centre my Mum needed to go to the cash machine but the time was almost 8:20 AM so I went to the bus stop. Bus came at about 8:25 AM and I just spent the day at school (of course). Nothing interesting happened so lets just skip the day at school. 3:20 PM my final lesson of the week finished, the lesson was English. I walked home and got changed beecause I was going out with Lewis again that night. I watched TV, and a few mins later the phone rang, I answered it and it was Dave asking if I was ready, I said yes. I was staying overnight at Dave's that night because I was going out with Lewis. When I got to Dave's I went in the shower for a few minutes, came out, got dressed again and had tea. I think it was about 5 PM at this point. I listened to Skyrock both in the shower and in the kitchen while eating. I went back upstairs and just hung out online for a while. I set the VCR up to record my TV programmes while I was out. I recorded The Simpsons from 7 until 8 PM and again at 8:30 PM until 9 PM. Then I recorded a new episode of Lost from 9 PM until 10 PM. I went out with Lewis to the Wynyard Planetarium (I don't know why it's called the Wynyard Planetarium when it's actually miles out of Wynyard village. The show we watched was called "Wonders of the Universe". It shows us what was in our own galaxy (Milky Way) and the other galaxies. The show started at 7:30 PM and was on until 9PM. It actually finished at 9:15 PM. We left there and as we went home the taxi broke down in Billingham. Just outside Bonnington Crescent. The driver had to call for another tazi to come pick us up. So I got home at about 9:20 PM. I switched my laptop on when I got home and got a call from my Mum asking if I was watching Lost, I said I wasn't because I missed half of it but I was recording it anyway. I stopped recording at 10 PM, rewand the tape and watched it. The Simpsons and Lost at 11 PM. Fast forwarding through the commercials of course. After that I think I sent an email, switched Classic FM on and went to bed. So it was quite a good day I guess. Damn I can't believe I'm leaing school in a couple of weeks, I don't know whether to be happy or sad.

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