Sunday 30 May 2010

Great Weekend! Finally Finished School!

Well, it's been a great weekend as I went to a wedding and I left school on Friday, anyway here's what happened.


Friday was my final normal day of school. It didn't finish at the normal time of 3:20 PM, instead it finished just after 2:30 PM. There was a final assembly and it was all really fun. Also the school's current headmaster, Mr Dave Youldon is retiring, he has served the school since September 1989. The school is Northfield School & Sports College if anyone is wondering. Yes, it's in Billingham. I also shaved for the first time. My Mum told me to, didn't want me looking scruffy at the wedding on Saturday. Dave showed me how to shave, it was fun, I think.


Saturday was the wedding between my Auntie, Debbie and Nigel who I guess is now my Uncle. I have also had a letter from the dentist saying I am able to get my braces fitted on the 12th July. I don't think it will hurt but it's a scary thought. I had my breakfast, waffles and bacon with bread. I also watched Judge Judy, had a shower all of that. My Mum went to the town centre and got me a new pair of shoes, they fitted perfectly. Around 1 PM we walked over to Debbie's house, about a 2 minute walk from my house. It was quite busy in the house. The limo arrived about 20 minutes after that, it was an American Ford with left hand drive! Most of us got in that and we headed off to St Cuthberts Church on Station Road in South Billingham. The service was suppose to start at 2 PM but people were late so it started at about 2:15 PM I think it was. The service was interesting and finished at about 2:45 PM. After that we went to the after party just round the corner from the church at the Billingham Social Club on Chapel Road. It was really good. I spent most time on the stage where the DJ was, I had a look through his songs and he did have alot. We left at about 10:30 PM and came home. Me and my mum watched the end of the Eurovision song contest on BBC 1. It was hosted in Oslo, Norway. Germany won this year's contest. United Kingdom were unfortuently at the bottom, overtaken by Belarus I think. I went to bed sometime between 11 PM and 12 AM.


Okay Sunday (today) has been quite a boring day, as all Sundays are. My Dad was working. I have spent probably most of my day expanding my music list. Last year, Ceejay sent me a DVD with music from the 1940s to the 1980s. I copied most of those tracks to my main music folder. I now have 1582 music files. I also downloaded 'Working My Way Back To You' by 'The Detroit Spinners', that's a good song, I heard it yesterday at the party, but I've also heard it before on BBC Radio Newcastle 95.4 FM. Another song I downloaded was 'Moonlight Serenade' by 'The Glenn Miller Orchestra'. An interesting piece of classical music. That's about it really, not much else happened. I'd also like to thank Adam for posting a comment on the previous blog post about I will definetly check that out. Also, we do get all those shows you mentioned. Speaking of that, the final episode of Flashforward is on tomorrow night at 10 PM on FIVE, it's usually on at 9 PM, Monday nights, but it's on at 10 PM tomorrow. Does anyone know if there will be a second season? I hope there is, but I am not holding my breath. I am aware that viewers have been dropping on that show. One last thing, I have made an update to the website, well okay on the front page you know those pictures to the left? Well I removed some of the old ones and put some new ones at the top. They are pictures of me standing next to the limo I travelled to the church in yesterday.

Well, that's all for now, any comments regarding Flashforward would be awesome. Thanks.

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