Saturday 1 May 2010

Weekend Update

Hey guys, sorry for not updating in a while, I know, I know I am lazy. Today I woke up at around 9:30 AM and went downstairs, checked email etc and watched TV. My Mum was already up and had the BBC breakfast show on, but when she left I turned on Sky and watched an 80s show on VH1 until about 11 AM, when I switched over to True Entertainment and watched the first episode of "Roots", about the African's who became slaves. I ate breakfast sometime between 11-12 and had waffles, bacon, bread and fried egg, which was awesome. I love Saturday morning breakfasts. I just went on the lappy for a good few hours after Roots finished (12). I went to Dave's at about 2 PM, but before that we went to the Billingham Recycle Centre and got rid of some crap. I hung out online for a bit. 9 year old Libby was round (Dawn's niece). A few minutes later me and Dawn went to pick up Dawn's Mum, Lisa (Part of Dawn's family) and Olivia (Lisa's daughter). Them three were all cramped in the back seat but didn't affect me in the front lol. We drove back home and Dawn's Mum and Dave did some gardening, putting new plants in at the back of the garden, while they did that I mowed the lawn. Got that done then watched Lost for a bit. It was season 1 on DVD. Half way through me and Dave went out and I got a McDonalds. I ate that and hang out online, at 8 PM me and Dave went out to the bar and I got a Coke. Dave went on the karaoke and sung "Drive" by "The Cars". I got it on video. I got kicked out of the pub at about 21:30 so we went home then and I have just been watching music channels and on the Internet since then. I have also been watching South Park on MTV Shows. That's all for now.

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