Saturday 15 May 2010

Saturday 15th May - Fire behind house!

There was a fire at the back of Dave's house today, I'll write about it in a minute. I woke up at around 7:30 AM but lazed around in bed until about 8 AM, got up and switched the TV on. I watched Supernanny U.S. until I think 9:40 AM. I ate breakfast at around 10:50 AM (bacon, waffles and bread). Then I watched television some more. I watched Everybody Loves Raymond on Comedy Central and then the channel had a problem when the commercial break came on (see picture below). My Mum has now booked tickets to Al Murray's gig in Newcastle-upon-Tyne on the 30th November. If you don't know who Al Murray is, he is a British comedian. After that I got my laptop out and went online until 3:02 PM when Dave rang and said he finished work. I logged off and got my clothes and things ready. In the car going to Dave's house I listened to Skyrock and heard "Sur La Tete De Ma Mere". When I got to Dave's house I installed The Sims 3 on my Windows 7 which I have been meaning to do for ages now. It works really well. I looked out my window at 7:35 PM and noticed there was some smoke coming from the ground near the farmer's field. I told Dave and he came and looked at it then we went outside and saw a fire, it was only a small one but spreading. We didn't know if it was the farmer just burning crap or kids starting fires but it was getting big so Dawn rang the police while I ran around the back of the street and closer to where the fire was. A Cleveland Police van was there by the time I got there. A few minutes later fire engine came and managed to put it out, as it was getting big and the fence had caught on fire. The fire engine left at 7:55 PM so it was all very interesting. I have no plans for tonight but I'm listening to 97.2 Stray FM from Harrogate, I can receive it easily with that circular antenna on the roof, since it beams to the south it nulls Metro out on 97.1 MHz.

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