Monday 24 May 2010

Lost Finally Finished :(

I am writing this at 7:25 AM which is 10 minutes after the final episode of Lost has finished ending the program all together. It was simulcast with the U.S. so both UK and U.S. got the program at the exact same time. I woke up at 5 AM which is when Lost started. I tuned in and before the program even started it said "Technical Fault" (channel, not satellite). I thought "great" but it did come on 3 seconds later. I don't know how they manage to simulcast from a country thousands of miles away, they must use satellites in space or something. I must say the final episode was really interesting, when it started raining I thought the island was going to flood like Locke had said he was going to! The ending was really sad when Jack died. However I did hhave a theory that everyone was going to die and I was correct. There is going to be more screenings of the final 2 episodes on SKY 1, tonight, Tuesday night and Friday night. There could be more but those are the ones I know of. My Mum still needs to watch the final episodes, but tonight FlashForward is on so she is watching it tomorrow night. Well, it's been a great show and I really enjoyed it. It's very sad to see a TV show end when you've watched it for 6 years, but there you go. One streange phenomena has occured. The first time Lost started showing in the UK I was just a few weeks away from starting at the school I am at now. Now, Lost has ended and I am just 4 days away from finshing at that school! How weird is that?

Any comments regarding your thoughts of the final episodes and the show would be good. (It was also simulcast in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Israel, Turkey and Canada).


  1. Hey Jack. Check out:
    It's a website, here in the States that broadcasts current TV shows from the US.
    They also have some movies. I like watching
    "NCIS", "NCIS Los Angeles", "Modern Family" (really funny), "Glee", and "Extreme Makeover - Home Edition" to name a few. Also has all the new Simpsons and other cartoon shows (Family Guy, American Dad, etc...)

    Anyway, just thought you might enjoy watching some shows you may not get, at home, or maybe see some shows before they are broadcast in the UK.

  2. All tv series eventually come to an end. Sooner or later a new uk series will start up... I'm putting money on "Mad Dancing with the Stars". I've already emailed simon cowell that Jamie & Drew can't have anything to do with it!
