Tuesday 4 May 2010

Tuesday - Severe Traffic on A19

Hi guys, this is Tuesday's update. I woke up at around 5 AM and listened to the radio for a bit before falling back asleep and my Mum woke me at 7 AM. I ate my breakfast (coco pops cereal), then went back to bed, just to rest as I was still tired. I got dressed at 7:45 AM and left the house at 8:10 AM. I went to the shop next door, bought my drink of Coke and headed off to the bus stops at the town centre. The bus came at about 8:25 AM so I got on that and went to school. Summer uniform has started so we can now wear school t-shirts with our black jumpers on but we can remove them if it is a hot day. I arrived at the school and just hung around until 8:50 AM when the bell went for everyone to go to their tutor groups. At 9:10 AM the bell went for first lessonn, which for me was P.E. theory. Probably one of the most boring lessons for me. I started to feel sick and had to put my head on the desk. I did survive until the end of the lesson at 10:10 AM, I think the room was too hot. I went outside and quickly drank some Coke and headed off to lesson #2 (Science). I began to feel sick in that too so had to put my head on the desk again but it soon passed. I sit next to my cousin in Science and P.E. theory anyway. I managed to get my work complete and break time came at 11:05 AM. I just ran around outside. Lesson 3 starts right after break at 11:25 AM. Uusally I would have guidance but instead we were in the hall and someone from the Cleveland Fire Brigade was there giving us a presentation about car crashes. He showed us alot of videos, I think they were like TV commercials. Some were quite upsetting as they showed idiot drivers crashing cars and people being killed. After that it was lunch (12:20 PM). Period 4 (1:20 PM) and 5 (2:20 PM) were not very interesting. It was History and French. School finished at 3:20 PM. Uusally I would have Geography revision class but that has finished now. So I walked home and got in at 3:55 PM. I got my chocolate cake out the fridge and switched the TV on, 2 minutes later the phone starts ringing and it's Dave saying I need to get changed for the Main Project in Ingleby Barwick. Btw that is a social group I go to every Tuesday and Thursday after school. Thursday is in Stockton, not Ingleby. I quickly got changed and ate my chocolate cake. Dave came and we left. We got onto Station Rd, Billingham but there was a train coming so the gates were shut, we went the other way and got onto the A19. However as soon as we got on there we noticed traffic was very heavy, of course it was too late to turn back then. This was good for me of course as I dislike the Main Project. I was loving it and kept saying "HAHA this is a miracle" and "this is just like the M1 or the M25!". We were sat in the car on the A19 for about 15-20 minutes, I tuned into my local radio station, 96.6TFM and heard the traffic report. Two vehicles had collided and the A19 had to be closed (noticed how I mentioned the presentation in lesson #3?). I got a video of all the traffic. The radio recommended people to divert through Stockton which is exactly what we did. Of course since many people were doing that we got into Stockton and yet more traffic. Dave got sick of it and said "right that's it!". Then he turned the car round and I said "what are you doing" and he said "going home". So we went home, but avoided the A19 for obvious reasons! Instead we went through Norton village and got back into Billingham. Then we arrived home and I just hung out online, had tea, watched The Simpsons at 6. Now I am listening to Thessaloniki's 93.1 Heart FM and talking to people on MSN. Anyway that's it for now, bye guys!


  1. Too bad you didn't get any video of the crash.. you could do your own fire brigade presentation, haha.
