Saturday 8 May 2010


Saturday, I woke up around 10 AM and went into Dave and Dawn's bedroom and for an hour. I came back to my room around 11 AM, made myself breakfast (bread and butter with cream crackers) and watched three new episodes of The Simpsons not shown yet in the UK. I watched them on During the second episode I ate some bacon with ketchup. After that I switched Skyrock on and went in the shower for about 10-20 minutes. I heard some good music, but I listened to Skyrock until about 5 PM and heard the exact same songs every hour or so, but they are good songs anyway. I've heard "Nothing on you" by "B.O.B" 7 times today, although I bet it's been played more than that. At about 5:30 PM, me, Dave and Dawn went out and drove to North Yorkshire and drove around the N. York moors, I really enjoyed it, I went to a nice, small bar in the middle of the moors at about 7:20 PM, can't remember what it was called, The New Inn or something like that. I had chips and 4 slices of bread. I didn't finish the bread, I left 2 slices but luckily Dawn finished them. We left there at about 7:50 PM and just drove around the rest of the North Yorkshire moors, and visited some caravan sites. We actually visited a caravan site because Dawn is staying in one over there a few weeks from now and she needed to know where it was. I got some nice pictures of the moor which were taken at about 9 PM. We also passed through the village of Goathland, which is where the nostalgic 60s police drama, Heartbeat is filmed. It was a great evening. We didn't get home until just after 10 PM, I think it was about 10:10 PM. It is now 11:40 PM and I am tired so going to bed after I write this. Since I got in I have just been hanging out online and listening to Skyrock, which I will continue to listen to through the night. In a few months I might be going to Paris for a weekend with my Dad, I am really looking forward to it. Will be fun, I can visit the Eiffel Tower and everything. I think it will be during the summer holidays, although I would have left school long before then anyway. Anyway that's all guys. Btw the first photo is of the Missile Early Warning Station on the Fylingdales Moor. Click here to see a close up in Google Street View.

1 comment:

  1. "And I went in the shower for about 10-20 minutes". 20 mn?! You played with your willy?
